How to Securely Store Passwords And PIN Codes On Your Phone?

Get compliant passport photos and signature image files, store QR codes & barcodes, and securely save your PIN codes in one app. Install it now for free!

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Strong passwords and secure PIN codes are the frontline defense against cyber threats.

However, managing multiple codes can be overwhelming, and the risk of forgetting them is ever-present. Enter the 7ID app — a handy solution that ensures your passwords are stored securely and conveniently in one place.

In this guideline, we will explore the benefits of the 7ID app and learn how it can help you protect your codes.

How to Securely Store Passwords And PIN Codes On Your Phone?

Table of contents

7ID: Your Pin Codes And Passwords Manager

The 7ID app is designed to streamline PIN code and password storage and management, such as:

Password storage is not the only option of a multi-functional 7ID app! Create ID photos, manage your QR- and barcodes, and apply your electronic signature whenever you need!

Steps to Get Started with 7ID

Simply download and install the app on your device. Choose the “PINs and codes” option. Once set up, you can start adding and organizing your codes within the app. You can also generate a new password for your needs.

7ID: Pins and Passwords Storage App
7ID: Generate a PIN or a code
7ID: Safely Store Your PINs and Codes
7ID: Securely View Your PINs and Codes


What is the 7ID app, and what does it do?

The 7ID app is a secure and versatile tool designed for managing and storing your PIN codes and passwords. It also offers features for creating ID photos, managing QR codes, and applying electronic signatures.

How does the code hiding and memorization work in the 7ID app?

The app generates a combination of numbers when you enter your code, effectively hiding your code within it. Your task is to memorize the exact location of your code within this combination to prevent unauthorized access.

What is the purpose of code naming in the app?

Code naming is a feature that allows you to assign a name or label to each of your stored codes. We recommend choosing a "secret name" for each password to enhance security. Even if someone gains unauthorized access to the app, they won't be able to determine the purpose of the stored codes.

How does the 7ID app ensure security when viewing PINs and passwords?

The app ensures that only you can access your stored information. When you need to view a PIN or password, the app will display the combination. However, you are the only one who can recall the correct location of the code. In case you forget the location, there's a "show code" function, but it's crucial to ensure no one is nearby to prevent unauthorized access.

What other features does the 7ID app offer besides password storage?

Apart from password storage, the 7ID app allows you to create and manage ID photos, organize QR codes and barcodes, and apply electronic signatures as needed.

Is the 7ID app available for all types of devices?

The 7ID app is available for most devices, including smartphones and tablets. You can find it on popular app stores such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Is the 7ID app free to use, or does it have a subscription fee?

You can create and store all your PINs and passwords for free.

Can I recover my codes if I forget the location within the combination?

Yes, the 7ID app provides a "show code" function for those instances when you forget the location within the combination. However, use this function with caution and ensure no unauthorized individuals are nearby to prevent potential security risks.

Extra-safety tips on securing your codes

Protecting your PIN codes on your phone is crucial for safeguarding your digital identity and personal information. By implementing these tips, you can significantly enhance the security of your mobile device and protect yourself from potential cyber threats.

Not just a password manager!

Download 7ID for your daily tasks:

ID photo maker
Instantly convert your picture to a compliant passport-sized photo for any ID worldwide.

QR and barcode generator and storage
Organize your QRs, vCards, and loyalty codes in one place.

Digital signature maker
Create your e-signature and easily insert it into PDFs, images, and other files.

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Download 7ID for free

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These QR codes were generated by 7ID application itself
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